Occupational Safety and Health Services

The company Baltic DIA Ltd. offers the provision of services for – Occupational Safety and Health Service functions in accordance with the Law on Occupational Safety and Health and all its acts in the Republic of Latvia.


We can provide Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Service, such as:

1) Consulting on prevention of accidents at work, occupational diseases and other issues concerning while implementing of standard legislation on OSH, identifying work and rest time.

2) Informing about new OSH legislation and its amendment requirements.

3) To participate in the inspections held by State labour Inspectorate, prepare the required responses in the form of a data sheet.

4) To control if health and safety instruction at workplace are carried out properly and on time.

5) To organize OSH training of administration, employees working with potentially dangerous equipment and employees working dangerous jobs.

6) To organize First Aid trainings.

7) To organize employee education and consult them about OSH.

8) To prepare a list of employees who must have their health checked before employment, to check their health duiring wirking period. Authorized by Manager of the Company organize medical examinations and analyse the results about the implementation of the recommendations.

9) Authorized by Manager of the Company consult Customer in choosing and purchasing personal protective equipment and collective protective means.

10) To organize preparation of accidents prevention plans and suggest the preventive measures to avoid accidents at work.

11) To organize preparation of company’s OSH local legal acts.

12) To participate in investigation of accidents, analyse accident conditions and root cause.

13) To register accidents at work, professional diseases, and incidents, to accumulate data related with OSH.

14) To provide fire safety services such as:

    • To inform of company’s compliance to Fire Safety regulatory requirements and make proposals on fire safety status improvement.
    • To inform about new Fire Safety legislation and its amendment requirements.
    • To organize preparation of company’s fire safety local legal acts.
    • To organize fire safety training.
    • To consult on fire safety sign selection issues.